Allegro Provides Security and Connectivity Solutions for Stryker IoMT Devices
Access Our On-Demand IoMT Security and Connectivity Videos
Allegro software has developed self-paced, on-demand content that highlights how Stryker can partner with us for IoMT security and connectivity, and how we provide additional clarity around meeting FIPS requirements, securing data at rest with military grade cryptography and in motion with the most recent TLS 1.3 protocol.
This on-demand content will cover:
- What is Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) validation? What is a cryptographic module? Why is it important?
- Implementing, monitoring, and maintaining FIPS validation for IoMT devices.
- Meeting HIPAA data encryption standards for patient data.
- Meeting TLS 1.3 federal implementation mandate by January 2024.
See How Stryker’s ProCuity Bed Supports Leading Connectivity Protocols and Meets Demanding Medical Device Security Requirements
Embedded device security is critical today and well into the future. Stryker has partnered with Allegro Software to deliver leading-edge connectivity secured with FIPS validated cryptography helping hospitals deliver better patient outcomes.
Stryker worked with Allegro Software and used Allegro’s ACE™ Software Cryptography Module, TLS, XML/JSON, and web-based connectivity toolkits.
The approach was extremely successful:
- Ability to meet industry requirements rapidly without utilizing additional engineering resources.
- Faster time to market.
- ROI in excess of 300%.
Allegro Software: A Leading Provider of IoMT Security & Connectivity Software Toolkits
Allegro Software specializes in helping OEMs in healthcare, military, energy, and consumer markets create connected secure devices
using FIPS, TLS, SSH, and more.
Need clarity on FIPS validation or TLS 1.3 implementation?
We discuss these requirements during the lunch and learn, or you can schedule a meeting to address specific questions.